Who Is Feminism For

by | Jun 11, 2020 | Navigating Adulting | 0 comments


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the advocacy of women’s rights on the ground of the equality of the sexes.

the advocacy of women’s rights on the ground of the equality of the sexes.


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a system of society or government in which the father or eldest male is head of the family and descent is reckoned through the male line.

the thematic relationships of the ballad are worked out according to the conventional archetypes of the patriarchy


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prejudice, stereotyping, or discrimination, typically against women, on the basis of sex.

prejudice, stereotyping, or discrimination, typically against women, on the basis of sex.

Now that we have the definitions ready up there, let’s get into this right here. Women have been through it over the years, we have been silenced and have been told that our place is at the bottom. Simple things like women getting paid less than men for the same job just because they bore children and have extra responsibilities, women being fired because they called out a man of power for sexually harassing them in the workplace. Men have made decisions for women in the home, subjected them to answer to them, and never speaking up.

Our mothers taught us, women, to survive under the rule of a man. Do not speak back at him, just listen and do as he says, that is what a happy home is. You cannot say no to a man, give him what he wants when he wants it. Do not ask questions, basically when you get married your life is not your own. It belongs to the men. I see influential women, married, who cosign this and it makes me wonder if we should call marriage a partnership. It does not feel or sound like it to me.

Who taught the men to become this way? Who told them that they are above the women and deserve more than the women? I have had conversations where it has been pointed out that the bible itself put women at the bottom and men at the top. Could it be where it all started? Jesus’ disciples, at least those that were mentioned were men. The reason why sin became known was because of a woman, not the men. So automatically, we fell under the grid?

I understand why women are selfish with feminism because we have watched the system destroy many of our own, and when I say the system I mean men. So men can’t possibly understand feminism because we are still fighting them, right? I think not, I think men know why we are fighting. They see what they do and they know it’s effects too, this is why some have joined the fight.

Their fight doesn’t feel genuine for many reasons, one of them being that feminism is becoming louder and starting to get the recognition it deserves so they would love to reap the benefits and not be tipped over. I would say that it is very clever but ugly, it doesn’t change the opportunists that you are. Meh.

The men that refuse to recognize feminism are afraid of losing the benefits that come with partriarchy. They fear being in the women’s positions because they know what it is, the actual pits! Men are afraid of what awaits them on the other side of the door so they would rather sit quietly and watch this as it all unfolds. They probably hate that women found their voices and wish they could muffle them once again so they continue to sit in high places and make life difficult for women for eternity. Very cowardly behaviour.

Just imagine for a minute that we all come together and acknowledge feminism, that men stand for it too, genuinely, the change that it would bring. Imagine men and women being rewarded the same in the work place, women and men having an equal chance to climb the cooperate ladder. Imagine raising young men who look at women and see another human being deserving of good things, deserving of respect and a voice. Imagine a world were a woman can say no to sexual advances or any advance for that matter and not be afraid. A world in which partriarchy and sexism die but feminism lives.

For now that is all we have, imagination. Until then, feminism is for those who understand it and want to see it live. Maybe somewhere in the pool of men there are some who are genuine, good luck proving you are truly for us. For now we ride with those who ride for us. Power to the women! CIAO!