Good morning! I really want to type, ‘kuthi huuuu, ‘ but this isn’t the time to be playing around, right? So as my name suggests, I am Ndebele, in case you don’t know my full name it’s Nobuhle N Nyoni.
We have a problem here because I have no idea what the Ndebele culture looks like because I never lived it. I sat back and tried to remember and I got nothing. This could be because firstly, my grandmother was big on Christianity and her house was were cell groups were held and so all I remember is prayers and hymns (not the lyrics just the melodies). When I left her house I was just winging it in the streets of Harare.
This challenge made me realize I need to learn because this may mean I am going to embarrass the elders one way or the other. Which, technically, it wouldn’t be my fault but still. The effort needs to be put. So thank you, African Bloggers, for adding yet another important thing to my to-do list. CIAO!