Sbwl sbwl! Tis’ the season to sbwl (this is short for ‘sabaweli’ which means ‘craving’) a life partner seeing as valentines is around the corner. Speaking of, what you are you doing for valentines day? As a little girl, I thought love was so easy to find, I blame the movies I watched. I should probably sue Disney for selling me dreams, cause I bought into them and for years I waited for my fairy-tale ending. Fast forward to adulthood and nothing has happened, not even an almost fairy-tale. How upsetting!
In my book, The Kings That Didn’t Need This Queen, I talk about the few *cough cough* relationships I have been in and the lessons I learnt from each one. Some I learnt from the other person and some I taught myself because I was a fool. Today I am grateful for all those relationships because I am a tad bit wiser, maybe a little broken too, but that is nothing we cannot fix. Today I know the green flags I should look out for, BasicGirl Reads also reads on green flags you need to look out for when getting into a relationship in this book review.
This year I am manifesting an effortless love, I am tired of a love that comes with so much work. I find myself pushing someone to treat me right or love me right and I am done with that. A love that loves back, a love that hears me when I am hurt, a love that communicates with love, a love that knows and respects boundaries. I want a gentle love, a love that reciprocates, chile I am talking positive energy through and through. It might not find me this year but when it does I will be here waiting for it.
I understand that I have to be ready for this love too, so I am also manifesting loving the way I want to be loved. It means nothing to find this love and only ruin it because I am still too broken to give it back. I did walk out of a relationship I thought was my final stop, but now that I think back at it, I may have never known pure happiness because the person was not ready to be loved. It broke me because I gave my all and well. It didn’t help that they ghosted me and left me questioning my worth. I know now I am worth the effort so, it is time to find my healing.
We all deserve to be loved right, so this year going forward please do not settle for less. We always ‘if he wants to he will,’ well this goes both ways, if a person wants to love you right they will. Period! I wish you a fairy-tale ending but I also wish you healing from the hurt you have been caused. Here is a list of 6 things you should let go of before getting into a relationship. I hope this helps. CIAO!
Rose Quartz
Rose Quartz is a pale pink crystal. It is most commonly associated with love, in all of its forms, although many people tend to focus on the sexual relationship aspect of love when describing the qualities of this crystal. The energy of Rose Quartz vibrates in alignment with the energies of the heart chakra and encourages feelings and expressions of warmth, happiness, compassion, understanding, respect, and emotional health.
Where you can buy it…

Liyana is an esoteric, wholistic lifestyle brand based in Harare. Currently in stock essential oil-infused Bath salts, succulents, herbs, Epsom salts, crystals: rose quartz, amethyst, tigers eye, Snowflake Obsidian and green fluorite.