What is a savage?
Savage – a brutal or vicious person.
We have many savages on the web, we keep them on our socials for a few laughs and arguments. Here is where it irks me, when someone who claims to be building a brand uses as a tool. Many online savages have a great following and their tweets gain interaction. You may gain the followers, but are they the ones you need for your brand? You may gain the interaction, but is it about the brand or whatever savagery you decided to serve on the day.
Imagine attracting so many people that will never serve your brand and pushing away the people that are for your brand because you chose to run around and be a savage. Imagine the amount of time that is wasted, the work that goes into restarting and rebranding and possibly explaining why you have turned over a new leaf. Listen, this ain’t it. Here is the real sauce.
For the love of God, may it not be savagery. When people hear your name what should be the first thing that comes to their mind? Who are you as a brand? What conversation are trying to get going out there, what change are you trying to bring? These are the questions you need to ask yourself when you are making this decision.

Who resonates with your brand? Where are they? How old are they? What do they do?
Knowing your target market is very important, it helps in your marketing planning. Your content speaks directly to your people and draws them in because you have designed it specifically for them. They will understand it and hop onboard and that is all you need to grow your brand, the right people.

Story telling is a tool that works wonders for building a story but it also works if you are telling it to the right people, which is why you cannot skip point number 2. An authentic story cannot be ignored and brings about a connection with your people that is hard to ignore. Tell that story slowly and effectively.

This is where your logo, tagline, website, social media handles, colors and possibly a hashtag come in.
There has to be consistency when it comes to your social media handles and the website name. you do not want to confuse people rather make it easy for people to find you anywhere.
Find out which colors are associated with the brand you are building and make a decision for yours.

Do not ignore people when they speak to you whether it is a complaint or a compliment. Most people lose it right here especially when it comes to handling complaints. It often feels like the person/ people are just trying to ruin your brand. They could be but know how to handle them, take the conversation to the DM or settle is amicably in the comment section.

That is it, folks, that is all you need to put into making your brand visible and getting the right people to back it up. If you need to start over, then here is the chance. I wish you the very best. I talk more on this on my IGTV, check it out if you wish, handle is @becomingubu CIAO!