How To Claim Back Your Freedom

by | Jul 11, 2019 | Navigating Adulting | 1 comment


Freedom is in accepting yourself for who you are and selecting the social norms of the collective that you truly agree with without compromising your own.

It is a tragedy when I see young people that for instance wanted to go a certain career path choose a different one because of what their parents and society idolized or rewarded.

It is even sadder to see limited or no choice of religion. Church-going being imposed or pressured by societies and families, then the same people putting the same child under “Shamhu” (Church punishment) after finding out he has impregnated a choir member.

There is nothing wrong with the Church or any social norms. At most, they were created to serve the individual. What of, when they do the opposite?

When we are free we will no longer do things according to other peoples expectations of us but rather we will do them because we genuinely agree with them inside and we have enough inner gratitude to accept who we are.

If you are a curious soul, by all means, ask the questions they say should be less said.
If you are a writer, write away.
If you love music, by all means, invest in it.
Appreciate yourself and become more you can be. You are even happier failing at something you love, than going ahead with something you don’t love and still failing at it.


When you take a bath every morning say affirmations of appreciation to yourself and tell yourself that you matter. Tell yourself you get better every day and learn new things.

Start making small but frequent investments in something you love but you have not been doing because of what others would think. Increase the investment as you gain more confidence.

Watch more documentaries and read biographies about people who dared to be themselves.

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Michael Mupotaringa


Mcpotar is a Zimbabwean based, polymath who shapeshifts from Hip-hop Emceeing, Writing, Mcpotar is a Zimbabwean based, polymath who shapeshifts from Hip-hop Emceeing, Writing, 2D Animation, Dentistry, Trolling to Digital and traditional drawing.
You can connect to him via
Twitter: @Mcpotar
Facebook: Michael Mupotaringa Animation, Dentistry, Trolling to Digital and traditional drawing.
You can connect to him via
Twitter: @Mcpotar
Facebook: Michael Mupotaringa