Things You Need To Know About Fitness

by | Apr 9, 2020 | Mental Health, Health & Wellness

We have a guest blog today! Pretty awesome, isn’t it? The reason why I brought someone else to come and speak on all things fitness is that I do not know enough to share for a self-care challenge. So in conversation today we have Yeu of Mad Fitness.


Physical fitness refers to the ability of your body systems to work together efficiently to allow you to be healthy and perform activities of daily living. Being efficient means doing daily activities with the least effort possible. A fit person is able to perform schoolwork, meet home responsibilities, and still have enough energy to enjoy sport and other leisure activities. A fit person can respond effectively to normal life situations, such as raking leaves at home, stocking shelves at a part-time job, and marching in the band at school. A fit person can also respond to emergency situations – for example, by running to get help or aiding a friend in distress. Most of all a fit person has better reaction responses which lead to faster thought processes. Their general health is almost always at its optimum.


Physical fitness is made up of 11 parts – 6 of them health-related and 5 skill related. All of the parts are important to good performance in physical activity, including sports. But the 6 are referred to as contributing to health-related physical fitness because scientists in kinesiology have shown that they can reduce your risk of chronic disease and promote good health and wellness. These parts of fitness are body composition, cardiorespiratory endurance, flexibility/ agility, muscular endurance, power, and strength. They also help you function effectively in daily activities.

As the name implies, skill-related physical fitness components help you perform well in sports and other activities that require motor skills. For example, speed helps you in sports such as track and field. These 5 parts of physical fitness are also linked to health but less so than the health-related components. For example, among older adults, balance, agility, and coordination are very important for preventing falls (a major health concern), and reaction time relate to risk for automobile accidents.


 To be healthy, you should be fit for each of the six parts. Totally fit people are less likely to develop a hypokinetic condition – a health problem caused partly by lack of physical activity – such as heart disease, high blood pressure, diabetes, osteoporosis, colon cancer, or a high body fat level.  People who are physically fit also enjoy better wellness. They feel better, look better, and have more energy. You don’t have to be a great athlete in order to enjoy good health and wellness and be physically fit. Regular physical activity can improve anyone’s health-related physical fitness.

Though most sports require several parts of skill-related fitness, different sports can require different parts

No matter how you score on the skill-related parts of physical fitness, you can enjoy some type of physical activity.

Remember, too, that good health doesn’t come from being good in skill-related physical fitness. It comes from doing activities designed to improve your health-related physical fitness, and it can be enjoyed both by great athletes and by people who consider themselves poor athletes.

Health-related fitness offers a double benefit. It not only helps you stay healthy but also helps you perform well in sport and other activities. For example, cardiorespiratory endurance helps you resist heart disease and helps you perform well in sports such as swimming and cross-country running.

Power, formerly classified as a skill-related part of fitness, is now classified as a health-related part of fitness. A report by the independent Institute of Medicine provides evidence of the link between physical power and health. The report indicates that power is associated with wellness, higher quality of life, reduced risk of chronic disease and early death, and better bone health. Power, and activities that improve power, have also been found to be important for healthy bones in children and teens.

Similarly, strength helps you perform well in sports such as football and wrestling, muscular endurance is important in soccer and tennis, flexibility helps in sports such as gymnastics and diving, power helps in track activities such as the discus throw and the long jump, and having a healthy amount of body fat makes your body more efficient in many activities.

(Sources: -Fitness for Life 6thEditionith web sources-Cloth by Charles Corbin and Guy LeMasurier. – American Council on Exercise including experience and other Fitness Publications


I usually wake up at 0420am every Morning and my Day goes as Follows;

4:40 am Have Glass of room temp water then a hot Cuppa of coffee(depends on the day) or Green tea

7 am Have my overnight oats and +/- 125ml of water  while on my way to 3rd Client

10am Small snack  which could be any of the following;

  •  apple and peanut butter
  • 3 boiled eggs
  • lactose-free natural yogurt
  • a handful of nuts

1 pm lunch

  • Brown rice
  • Butternut
  • Vegetables

With one of the following:

  • Meatballs
  • Steak
  • Chicken
  • Lamb

3 pm Quick Snack. Usually nuts.

6.30 / 7 pm have dinner Green Salad and chicken or beef

I usually have about five meals a Day and drink +2litres of Water.

I try my best to do over 10000 steps a day and workout close to 2hrs. I really enjoy High-intensity workouts as a warm-up, most of which are CrossFit inspired.  I take part in Races and swim over the weekends.

Staying active and mobile during the day helps. If not set time aside to go for a walk or run a minimum  30mins. Others join running Clubs or Fitness Centres ( for Aerobics Classes e.g Taebo or Zumba)

In Addition, maintaining Good hygiene helps to keep you healthy. I suggest a massage ( alternate between deep tissue or aromatherapy massage)  at least once or twice a week. Reading or listening to Motivational literature and also music you enjoy helps with your Mental health. I enjoy meditating and reading my Bible that is my Happy place outside of training people and other activities.

I encourage you to create a conducive environment in your home e.g a good bed with comfortable sheets equals good sleep  ( put 2 drops of lavender oil on your pillow for a better sleep)  

Drinking Chamomile tea also helps for those with sleep Deprivation.

A night of good restful sleep is very important and I can’t stress it enough.

Your heart will be healthier if you get between 7 and 9 hours of sleep each night.

  • Sleep May Help Prevent Cancer. …
  • Sleep Reduces Stress. …
  • Sleep Reduces Inflammation. …
  • Sleep Makes You More Alert. …
  • Sleep Improves Your Memory. …
  • Sleep May Help You Lose Weight. …
  • Napping Makes You Smarter. …
  • Sleep May Reduce Your Risk of Depression

Most of All try to be Optimistic and Happy.

“All great achievements require time.” – Maya Angelou

 Enjoy your Fitness Journey. It’s an adventure that results in  Lifetime wealth.


Twitter: @yeumadfit

Facebook: @yeumadfit

Instagram: @yeumadfit